Saturday, November 27, 2010

officially signed.

in the name of Allah The Most Beneficent The Most Merciful



finally at home. no matter how far i go, i still think rawang is the best town ever. ;p haha. fine, i know it's soo one sided judgement. ado den kesah? lol.

anyway, the letter has been signed off. officially it will starts on december. no words can best describe how i feel inside, except this one word; alhamdulillah..

anyway, even if people don't see us the way we see ourselves, it won't kill. trust me ;p the most important thing is: improvement. isn't it? enjoy the poster~

ps: please don't be demotivated after seeing this. lol ;p

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

drops of Jupiter.

in the name of Allah The Most Beneficent The Most Merciful


while faceook-ing, i found an mv posted by my former lecturer in UTP about the real story of the song - Drops of Jupiter.

it's one of my fav song long time ago.

but during those moments, i didn't pay much attention on the lyrics written.

but i guess, this one song really reflect what i felt inside after the lost. that no matter how long the separation has been taken place, i could still feel his presence inside me.

still. never too faraway.


to you.

my dearest brother.

Mohamad Ili Amir Farhan.

i miss you. still.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

the untitled part II

in the name of Allah The Most Beneficent The Most Merciful


i am.

tapi harus buktikan kan dengan kelayakan yang ada kan?

tolong doakan teman,

agar bisa didaki tangga kejayaan ini.

penantiannya terlalu lama sudah.

Friday, November 12, 2010

counting days.

in the name of Allah The Most Beneficent The Most Merciful

still counting.

one month. and counting.


semoga segalanya dipermudahkan Allah. amin~

ps: tak. ni bukan pasal kenduri nak bertunang atau nikah/kahwin. that one, i'll think about it next year (when I say think doesn't mean it's gonna be executed next year too. still a long way to go.)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

the untitled

in the name of Allah The Most Beneficent The Most Merciful


from last weekend up till now, i've been facing a series of unfortunate events. *phewh* sangat stress tidak terkata awal-awal. tapi malas lah mahu mengulas lanjut. sebab? lets say; itu tidak patut dipaparkan kepada umum. sebab nanti semua orang akan ketawa berguling-guling seperti tenggiling tanpa henti selama 10 minit. (trying to be sarcastic yet realistic at the same time)

sudah-sudah. tak mahu fikir lagi.

lately, i have been thinking about this one thing. important, but not that urgent. fikir punya fikir sampai lebam pun, masih tak dapat-dapat jawapan lagi sampai sekarang.

keliru...itu kata hati.

kenapa? itu tanya orang.

bukan seorang dua.

tiga empat tahu? bikin stress jiwa yang udah stress segala bagai ini.

kalau buat PSS, mungkin terpaksa guna sehingga 4th analysis baru boleh jumpa root caused dia. 5 why won't be able to solve it anyway and anyhow. heh. trust me.

saya tahu. saya tahu. tak perlu semua orang jaja cerita-cerita indah tu. saya sendiri sudah tahu. dia baik. memang baik.

dan saya juga tahu,

"barang yang lepas usah dikenang..kelak merana badan.."

ni pun tak perlu ulang untuk kali ke-100 kepada saya. tak perlu. sebab saya sudah tahu.

kesimpulan yang saya nak beri dalam entri ini ialah:

1. kalau suka seseorang secara serius, sila confirmkan dulu dengan Tuhan. apakah itu jodoh yang telah Dia tentukan di lohmahfuz. buat lah istikharah sehingga dapat jawapan dari Dia. jangan bertanya empunya diri, atau buat pengakuan secara "gentleman"; saya suka awak ..bla..bla..bla... A good muslim won't try to steal a girl's heart without His consent.

2. Sila tahu di mana limit anda. Setiap perkara ada batas-batasnya. So follow the rules and never break them. and I mean God's rules.

3. Honesty is the best policy. So, face the consequences when you decided to take the risk. Don't look at me with those puppy eyes. It won't help.

4. When I say I still remember you, doesn't mean I am not moving on. Ask yourself truly have you forgotten me? because in Nature's law, things won't be attracted to each other if there is no chemistry/ wave/ or whatever they call it ( dah lupe beb)

5. Hati ini Allah yang pegang. bukan saya, awak atau dia. jadi jangan tanya soalan bukan-bukan kenapa? kenapa? dan kenapa? I don't have the answer. ask Him. He knows best. faham?

all in all,

"berdoalah kepadaKu, nescaya akan Ku perkenankan.."

still the best solution ever.

sekian, terima kasih.