Sunday, June 24, 2012

untuk hati..yang selalu lupa..

in the name of Allah The Most Beneficent The Most Merciful

Hari ini sebelum kita mengatakan kata-kata yang tidak baik,
Fikirkan tentang seseorang yang tidak dapat berkata-kata sama sekali.

Sebelum kita mengeluh tentang rasa dari makanan,
Fikirkan tentang seseorang yang tidak punya apapun untuk dimakan.

Sebelum anda mengeluh tidak punya apa-apa,
Fikirkan tentang seseorang yang meminta-minta dijalanan.

Sebelum kita mengeluh bahawa kita buruk,
Fikirkan tentang seseorang yang berada pada keadaan yang terburuk di dalam hidupnya.

Sebelum mengeluh tentang suami atau isteri anda,
Fikirkan tentang seseorang yang memohon kepada Tuhan untuk diberikan teman hidup.

Hari ini sebelum kita mengeluh tentang hidup,
Fikirkan tentang seseorang yang meninggal terlalu cepat.

Sebelum kita mengeluh tentang anak-anak kita,
Fikirkan tentang seseorang yang sangat ingin mempunyai anak tetapi dirinya mandul.

Sebelum kita mengeluh tentang rumah yang kotor kerana pembantu tidak mengerjakan tugasnya,
Fikirkan tentang orang-orang yang tinggal dijalanan.

Dan di saat kita letih dan mengeluh tentang pekerjaan,
Fikirkan tentang pengangguran, orang-orang cacat yang berharap mereka mempunyai pekerjaan seperti kita.

Sebelum kita menunjukkan jari dan menyalahkan orang lain,
Ingatlah bahawa tidak ada seorangpun yang tidak berdosa.

Dan ketika kita sedang bersedih dan hidup dalam kesusahan,
Tersenyum dan berterima kasihlah kepada Tuhan bahawa kita masih hidup!

*found this through blog-walking..

ps: kita selalu terlupa, bahawa hakikat diri kita dan segala nikmat ini..bukan selamanya milik kita..bahkan tidak pernah jadi milik kita secara mutlaknya. ia hanya pinjamam semata-mata..dan atas dasar hak apa untuk kita merasa bahawa kita adalah yang terbaik di antara selautan manusia sedangkan di hadapan Dia, entah di mana letak duduk diri kita yang sebenar-benarnya..

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

brick walls are there for a reason..

recently, i have gone through a roller coaster weekly life like i have mentioned in the earlier post..

well, nothing much differ here this week..and it got me stuck with these temperamental attitude for a while..

i thought life would be much easier if i can manage my own tasks well. it ended up that i have people that i need to cater or my leadership skill will be rated as terribly bad. that is the last thing i want after the yo-yo quality result.

the past few days, i have started to read this book title 'the last lecture'. it was written by a professor named Randy Pausch from Carnegie Mellon.

this book like the other book titled 'the simple truth' by Ken Nerburn which i read few months ago had taught me lessons in which i miserably failed to understand due to my lack of common sense and ignorant attitude when i faced events in my life..

unlike 'simple truth' that led me to see life on the other perspective..merely more on the spiritual side, the last lecture simply taught me the 360 view..which my brother has fought hard to instill in me until he finally gave up recently..

on one chapter, i found his phrase were quite interesting.. " brick walls are there for a reason. they give us chance to show how badly we want something..'

the moment i came across this phrase, it remind me how easy i was before this giving up whenever i found myself stuck in middle of life journey and always re-routing my direction because i thought there was no way out. the fact is: it is merely a self escapism because i cant handle pressure. i mean too much pressure. and i cant take the consequences if my plan fails miserably..

i guess i need to finish up this book real fast before i can come to a conclusion on what to really matters to me in life and how to navigate myself towards achieving things that i want the most in life..

nevertheless, i wont settle for second best. that is for sure..

posted from Bloggeroid

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

a not so proper update.

in the name of Allah The Most Beneficent The Most Merciful

Hello there! as salam..

It has been few months with out any proper update. I have been to occupied with something else that it has taken my prio to write a post. or maybe i just dont think i have something interesting to share with at the moment.

but after reading some of the blogs (currently). i know i need to write something. life has been a lil bit roller coaster with all those mood swing and temperamental attitude. after 26 years old living with all these traits, it is not that easy to change everything up, you know?

i think due to my constraint and limited time which only focusing on certain things and people, i have let out time to fly without doing things that i love and enjoy the most. in fact, i have stop trying out new activities. therefore, starting this weekend, im gonna make sure i will do some work out to lose weight ( which i think i have, in improper way), tone up muscles and get fit!

poor shoes! beli mahal-mahal tapi berhabuk dalam rumah je. haih. Okay, let's have some squashy time this weekend then! =)

I miss the adrenaline rush already..