Friday, December 17, 2010

.opposite doesn't always attract. it annoys.

in the name of Allah The Most Beneficent The Most Merciful

the most crucial thing on earth is when your heart is denying what you should feel inside; which leaving you with this undescribable numbness.

maybe i was wrong.

maybe it's true i was expecting too much.

but how much is too much actually?

can a popular sanguine live in a dull world of perfect melancholic, when all the times it was her's to ask and keep it warm and lively?

fix your ignorance first, then i will fix my ego-centric disease.

life is based on mutual understanding.

ps: but i guess up till now u still haven't realized how much is too much and how less is less..isn't it?

pss: looking forward for a better day without this headache issue anymore. perhaps 2011 has the answer. :')

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