Monday, August 6, 2012

Love & Detachment

in the name of Allah The Most Beneficent The Most Merciful

Selepas membaca artikel daripada Tariq Ramadhan bertajuk Love and Detachment. Saya terdiam. Berfikir. Often the object that we loved becomes our attachment. Our very focus until sometimes we lost our true self through it.

Love is an initiatory school in which we learn to make progress, to rise above ourselves and then to free ourselves, but it can also be a prison in which we are bound by more and more chains. We go under, get lost and eventually become totally dependent... -Tariq Ramadhan

Tak mudah untuk detach diri daripada sesuatu yang kita sukai dan cintai. It was way hard. Tapi tak mustahil. Sama ada kita sanggup. Atau pun tidak.

Love is therefore like education. It involves “going with” and learning to detach ourselves with an ever-greater awareness of the ambivalence of things and of the need for balance, which is always so difficult to achieve and so fragile.. 
To love without being dependent. Nothing could be more difficult, and doing so requires a long apprenticeship that is both demanding and sometimes painful. The goal is to love without any illusions. That is all the more difficult in that we sometimes have the impression that love means being deluded. How can we graduate from the illusion of love to the lucidity of love? How can we detach ourselves from the very thing to which we are, by definition, attached? One does not choose to love but one can choose how to love. Nature is the mirror before which we must raise our faces, gaze into proximity and distance, in the knowledge that, whilst we are now fully present, the earth will give the same fullness to others as it sanctifies our absence. The mirror of time and the infinite spaces reflect it, the liberated self understands it, and the One repeats it: to love is to be there, in proximity to the extraordinary in the ordinary, and to offer, give and forgive. To love is to reconcile the sedentary presence with nomadic migration, the roots of the tree with the strength of the winds. To love is to receive and to learn to let beings go. To love is to give and to learn to go. And vice versa.. -Tariq Ramadhan

Definisi Cinta?

Mencintai bermakna bersedia melepaskan, bersedia berkorban dan berusaha untuk menjadi lebih baik demi Pencipta Cinta itu sendiri.

It is our nature to love things, human being  and other living things as well. But we can always choose  how to love them all..

Dan saya tahu, untuk kali ini saya harus belajar mencintai dengan cara yang lain. Bukan seperti kebiasaan..ia harus penuh dengan kebaikan, membawa kepada kebaikan dan mengubah kita kepada kebaikan.. How? that is my job to determine and definitely with His guidance as well..

The Test

Upon this coming ramadhan, He puts me on a test. In which I am still indecisive at the moment. It wasn't actually a heavy one if it excludes feelings and emotions. By right, I have already had the answer in my heart. It is just the matter of delivering it only. But I don't have that strength. yet. Macam mana nak melepaskan pergi benda yang kita dah nanti beberapa lama dan benda yang paling kita sukai disebabkan situasi tidak begitu mengizinkan..?

Not that easy..

The Imperfect Life

Seperti Joker yang mempunyai 2 wajah berbeza, seperti itulah kehidupan. Hidup ini tak pernah sempurna dan tak akan sempurna. There will always be happily never after.

Because that happily ever after is only exists in Jannah. :) Di situ destinasi hidup kita sebenar-benarnya..dari awal lagi..

Sebab itulah mencintai itu tak pernah happily ever is always a mixed of feelings and is an on going learning process of being the best person we should always be..

Hadiah untuk hati sendiri dan yang sedang membaca, something for us to ponder along this ramadhan kareem;
"jika engkau merasa bahwa segala yang disekitarmu gelap dan pekat, tidakkah dirimu curiga bahwa engkaulah yang dikirim oleh Allah untuk menjadi cahaya bagi mereka? berhentilah mengeluhkan kegelapan itu, sebab sinaranmulah yang sedang mereka nantikan, maka berkilaulah! "

-Salim A.Fillah-

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